Saint Augustine once said, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” In my opinion there has never been a quote more suitable to describe the wanderlust which burns within all of us. The reason why you are reading this now and the reason you are exploring the contents of the Impulse Odyssey website is because you want to travel and because there is a part of you that is curious and eager to explore the unknown. You have a desire to fill the chapters of your short life with new memories and experiences, things that will ultimately define you and tell the story of who you were and what you did during your time on Earth.
In my life so far, I have journeyed to 27 countries out of the 197 on Earth, which accounts for only 13.7% of the world that I have explored. And I don’t know about you but I intend to see all of it. With that being said, life is too short and the world is too big to be able to remember everything that you do and see.
After traveling for some time, I noticed that my memory was beginning to fail me and that I was having a hard time remembering the small details. So I took it upon my self to begin documenting everything I did in a travel journal. At the end of each day I would write about the places I saw, the things I smelled, and the emotions that I felt. I wrote about every detail while the memories were still fresh in my head. I did this because I realized that after experiencing the cultures of a new country, it was impossible to tell when my next visit was or if would ever have the opportunity to step foot into that country again.
Now if I ever want to reminisce on past adventures I can read through my journals and relive my memories. I’ve also written about people that I’ve met along the way and the conversations that I had with them. When sharing stories with others I have photo albums to illustrate my travels, but now I have a journal to help narrate them too. I’ve written down observations as well as things that I learn about a city and its people and I have found that my journal has become a convenient tool to use when comparing different cultures to one another.
For as long as I am still traveling I will never stop writing about my experiences. My experiences are priceless, as are yours. I journal about my times in foreign lands because they are worth remembering and I encourage you to do the same.