We started the journey in my home town of Michelstadt, a small medieval village in southern Germany. All of the old buildings were constructed from white and black wood with red brick roofs, it was quite a sight. There is even an old moat and wall around the village with original guard towers, and a giant clock tower in the center of town.
The second day, a good friend of ours flew in from Shanghai and picked us up. We decided to drive to Frankfurt that night and check out the city and clubs for a day. After day three, we found ourselves driving 7 hours down into Bavaria to go visit the famous Neuschwanstein. We hiked all the way up the mountains behind the castle to get some quality drone footage!
Since we were already on the border of Austria, I wanted to suggest that we go into the alps but then something epic happened. We got a call from a friend we met at a Croatian music festival and he invited us to come film in the alps and check out an extreme adventure park called Area 47. Sweeeeeeeeeet! So we set sail for the great Austrian empire.
We arrived at Area 47 and it was an adventurer’s paradise. Bungee jumping, rock climbing walls, hang gliders, a massive water park, an extreme blob, water cannons, kayaking, skydiving, and just about every kind of extreme sport you could imagine located right in the middle of the Austrian Alps. Here are some pictures, the video edit is coming soon on our youtube channel.
Here is the full view of the waterpark, fully equipped with water slides, wake boarding park, ski jumps, extreme blobs, and a zip-line that goes across the lake.
How about a little giant swing action eh? After this we headed further south to a town called Innsbruck. Here people ski from their houses up in the mountains down to town. They go to school in the valley and then take the gondolas back up to their houses, what an incredible life!
The last day we hiked up to the highest point on the mountains overlooking the valley where Innsbruck is located. I got some of the most amazing drone footage here. We brought the dog along and had the drone follow him while running through the Austrian Alps. Can’t get better than this!
It is absolutely amazing what kind of adventures you can have when no planning is involved. We had a few crazy ideas, some wild friends, and good vibes. All we originally wanted was to see a castle and drink a nice cold German beer. The trip escalated from 0-100 real fast! We started in the middle of Germany and ended up deep in the Austrian Alps – jumping off cliffs and exploring the wilderness. Life is good my friends. #impulseodyssey
Photos were take on a DJI Mavic Pro Drone