Kissing a Giraffe in Nairobi, Kenya
Kissing a baby giraffe, feeding and playing with huge adult giraffes was one of the best experiences offered by 2018. My dream came true in Nairobi, Kenya, at the Giraffe Center, a sanctuary created for the highly endangered Rothschild’s giraffes that lost their home in 1979 due to human activity. Since breeding of the Rothschild species is one of their main purposes, the calves are then released into the wild at two to three-years-old when they are independent enough to survive.
The giraffes are friendly and cute, but you still have goose bumps when you see such a giant animal eating from your hand. If you choose wisely, you can even get a kiss! At least, my boyfriend did!
Skydiving in Evora, Portugal
Throwing yourself from an airplane is probably the best feeling in the world. Even though I was not sure I was going to make it, I have never felt more alive than in those seconds in the air. You feel so small and you cannot remember any of your daily problems or struggles.
Truth to be told, I’ve always dreamt of doing this, but when I put my equipment on, I couldn’t believe I would actually do it! I chose Evora, a small city one hour away by car from Lisbon and I won’t change a thing! Just look at the smile I had in the air and you will understand!
Surfing in Bali, Indonesia
I grew up in Romania being jealous on those Australian surfers that are lucky enough to hit the waves every day! Since I am passionate about swimming from childhood, it was like a dream come true when I got to Bali and I was able to try it for the first time!
I won’t lie and tell you it was easy, but I was so keen on doing it that nothing mattered. My knees and elbows were hurting, but my heart was beating faster and faster with every wave! What an adventure! Can’t wait to hit the waves again!
Flying over Cappadocia, Turkey, in a hot air balloon
I always thought flying in a hot air balloon would be extremely romantic and would fill my heart with emotions. And I couldn’t be more right! But it also makes your heart beat faster, believe me.
You wake up at 4 in the morning and watch the sunrise in the air while admiring a volcanic landscape formed by fairy chimneys and colorful balloons. The ride lasts around one hour, but you actually pray for it to last a little longer.
Swimming with dolphins in the Indian Ocean, Zanzibar, Tanzania
I hate the idea of animals being held in captivity, so I was so happy when locals offered us the chance of swimming with wild dolphins directly in the ocean. Kizimkazi, a small fishing village, is the best place to do this in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Our local guy, Hagy, prepared a small boat for us at 6 am and took us watching the dolphins in their daily activity.
The adrenaline junkies will love this. Let me tell you in a few words what will happen: You see the dolphins from far away and when they get close to the boat, you actually jump between them and you swim together. It is true that you won’t get the chance to make the most beautiful pictures, but you will surely get the most genuine experience.
So that was my Top 5 Most Adventurous Experiences – I am looking forward to hearing about yours! I am Taisia, also known as Blonde around the World. You can find more about me and my adventures on my travel blog and on my Instagram. See you there!